"Blame It on the Goose got you feeling loose...Blame It on the A-A-A-Alcohol" you know the rest Jamie Foxx's hit "Blame It" is played atleast once sometimes twice within an hour at the hottest clubs in every city. I went to the club last night and the owner told me he sells more liquor everytime the DJ plays that song I guess it's brainwashing or mental persuasion for the club-goers...lmao.. I watched the men and woman flock to the bar when the song came on and all I could do was laugh, as I sipped on my Tropical Martini. Most of us love to drink it's our cure for the stress we deal with in everyday life it's relaxing, especially in this recession...but does too much of a good thing cause us to make bad decisions? A friend of mine called me crying this morning because she woke up in a complete strangers bed, she met him at a club the night before....the first thing that came to my mind was Jamie's song but I didn't dare say it... she was really upset. If we lived in the same state I would have gone over to her house and cheered her up but since I'm on the right coast and she's on the left I had to lend moral support over the phone. After an hour on the phone she talked and I listened she'd calmed down and decided not to tell her man. She told me how it happened, she was at a friends birthday party, she'd invited her man but he didn't want to come, she saw a cutey with a gray fedora when he walked in but after her fifth drink she found herself in a corner of the club and the cutey was tonguing her down...45 minutes later she was at his place riding the cutey like a cowboy! When she woke up this morning she put her clothes on and left.... she didn't bother to wake him because she thought it would be to weird introducing herself after sex...she didn't even remeber his name SMH... She'd never cheated on her man and she felt like crap for doing it...should she tell him or is the old saying true 'What you don't know won't hurt you?' I told her to follow her heart because I try not to judge or tell grown ass people what to do...I wouldn't want to be the reason she lost the love of her life...I listened...when we hung up I thought about it a little deeper because I'm a thinker ...If a woman wakes up in a complete strangers bed after a night of partying and popping bottles can she blame it on the alcohol or is she a ho?! I know people that say I would never do this or I would never do that but you get a few drinks in them and they'll do pretty much anything! I guess alcohol makes some people lose all their inhibitions or lose their mind...lmao Do you think deep down subconsciously she wanted to have sex with someone other than her man and the alcohol was just an excuse to do it? Things that make you go hmmmmm!
Thoughts + Reflections = Realization
Gossip Diva
I had a one night stand but I was single
She is a hoooooo! I hope her man finds out and breaks up wit her!!!!!
ReplyDeletewhat you dont know wont hurt you because the truth sometimes hurt too much =o(
ReplyDelete<#1 Boss Bytch>